en, Investigators, National Health Ethics Week

Release of Veritas IRB’s Investigator’s Manual: An Essential Resource for Clinical Trial Investigators’ Everyday Practice

Canada’s second National Health Ethics Week is being held from March 2 to March 8, 2015. This event is being coordinated by the Canadian Bioethics Society (CBS), in collaboration with various organizations across Canada. In conjunction with this event, Veritas IRB Inc. is releasing the iBook version of The Investigator’s Manual, a Complete Guide to […]

fr, Les participants à la recherche

Le soldat, le bon Samaritain et le participant à la recherche: une discussion sur l’indemnisation des incidents liés à la recherche.

Le mois dernier, 5 hommes de la Nouvelle-Écosse ont risqué leur vie en venant en aide à une dame sérieusement blessée et prisonnière d’un véhicule en feu coincé à des arbres aux bordures de la route. Le véhicule piégé aurait pu exploser mais les hommes sont tout de même venus en aide et ont porté […]

en, Research Participants

The Soldier, the Good Samaritan and the Research Participant: A Discussion on Compensation for Research-Related Injuries.

Last month, five men in Nova Scotia risked their own lives to help a severely injured woman trapped in a burning vehicle that was wedged in some trees off the shoulder of the road. The car could have exploded at any time, but those men carried on and managed to move the woman out of […]