Over the past month, we have written five posts in the series “Am I IRB[...]
The Montreal Tuberculosis Outbreak remains the most blatant case of IRB Forum Shopping in history.[...]
In December 2015, a Canadian research sponsor submitted a Phase III, multicenter study to Veritas[...]
Veritas IRB has received three submissions in the past five months of post-marketing observational[...]
Last month, Veritas IRB received a submission from a research sponsor (Canadian office of[...]
We recently revisited the Montreal tuberculosis outbreak wherein we identified IRB Forum Shopping as the[...]
Following our March 3, 2016 post entitled “Preventing your study from becoming the next tragedy.”,[...]
Every January, Las Vegas is home to the highly anticipated yearly conference called the Consumer[...]
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (hereinafter HHS), as well as fifteen other[...]
Guest Blogger Andrew Milroy – HRPP and CQA Manager (Merita CQA) For 19 years ICH[...]
Part 2 of our TRMS 2015 Coverage When establishing trust in an organization, be it[...]
November has no doubt been a month of interesting discussions and debates surrounding research and[...]